Cúla4 ar Scoil: More than 10,000 views of the recipes on YouTube

With kids stuck at home, I worked with Meangadh Fíbín and Cúla4 to put together a series of short videos with simple and fun recipes. These inserts were broadcast on TG4 as part of Cúla4’s homeschooling programme, Cúla4 ar scoil. As the country was in lockdown, I produced, filmed and edited these pieces in their entirety by myself at home.
I’ve put together more than 50 recipes for Cúla4. Of course these have been broadcast as part of the Cúla4 ar Scoil series on TG4 but the Cúla4 team also make them available online. I’m delighted there’s been such demand for them. More than 10,000 have watched the recipes on YouTube alone, not to mention how many have watched them on Facebook, Instagram and other online platforms.
I put a lot of effort into making sure as many of the steps as possible in the recipes are safe for primary school children so that they can participate as much as possible in every part of the food preparation process. I also adhere as much as I can to my own food ethos; local, organic, seasonal and sustainable. These are the same values I bring to my café, POTA, which will be based in Baile na hAbhann in Conamara. Most of my ingredients for the recipes come from my local organic suppliers. This helps me to support my local economy and allows those who follow the recipes at home to do the same.
All of the videos are available on YouTube and I’ve gathered them all together in one convenient location, here on the site.
Péisteanna Pasta (Pasta Worms)
Cáca Úll (Apple Cake)
Arán Sóide Donn (Brown Soda Bread)
Píotsa Gasta (Quick Pizza)
Cáca Cáise Neamhbhácáilte (Non-bake Cheesecake)
Cáca Tuinnín (Tuna Cakes)
Reoiteoga Iógairt (Iógairt Pops)
Flapóga (Flapjacks)
Anraith Cairéad Spíosraithe (Spiced Carrot Soup)
Subh (Shaken Berries)
Burgair Biatais (Beetroot Burger)
Donnóga (Brownie)
Barraí Úill (Apple Bars)
Brioscaí Collchnónna (Hazelnut Biscuits)
Rollaí Ispíní (Sausage Rolls)
Múslaí Bircher (Bircher Meusli)
Ceibeab Sicín (Chicken Kebab)
Báca Pasta (Pasta Bake)
Meireang Nollag (Chistmas Meringue)
Brioscaí Nollaig (Christmas Biscuits)
Muifíní Piorra Spíosraithe (Spiced Pear Muffins)
Uibheacha agus Saighdiúirí (Eggs and Soldiers)
Cróithe Coirte (Bark Hearts)
Mús Seacláide (Chocolate Mousse)
Bradán en Papillote (Salmon en Papillote)
Soirbéad Mandairín (Mandarin Sorbet)
I am so grateful to the teams at Fíbín and Cúla4 for the opportunity and support to share my recipes as Gaeilge.